Starting from the summary we will take you to the ending. Situated in eastern Europe there was a Digger called Herschel Greenbaum. Later on, when he was travelling to East Europe found the woman he always wants to marry, her name was Sarah. When he saw her he falls in love with her very instant moment.  Furthermore, he wants to start a family with the women and want to provide his family with a strong Legacy of the children so their family can be benefited from that. But you may think that the man world in the betterment of the family Legacy always ruins his marriage. But this is not the case, Greenbaum is very successful in making both the ends match. Taking care of his family as well as his family legacy he performs very well. Later settled in America run away from their home in Europe. Hershel restarting working up In A Pickle factory. But I’m in a pickle factory she was trapped brian in one of the closing days. Thereafter she left the factory. Before meeting each other they both were lonely from there life but they were more than happy. Their Bond was very good which resulted in a very great and immense relationship. You may bother what will happen later to this beautiful relationship between Hersshale and Greenbaum. Spending about a hundred years inside a pickle factory you can not think about a beautiful rather than thinking about the smell of pickles. The same was the case with Herschel. She was not able to connect with the world anymore because he was always thinking about the pickles. Suddenly she was miss play and she never comes back from the world she was living in. She found to be dedicated is life creating an application that proves to be a break to the inner life. Of course, thinking about the Physics you may think that Time Travel into the future but that was not the case according to the series. She was always thinking he was being depressed as he was stuck in a single place for a long time for more than a hundred years. Sometimes they get back due to the bond of their family because family members always try to get them back. But this time back in America a few years back. Not a few years a hundred years back Harshal does Discover a bad thing about Ben. Cheerleader believes that when was a good person but this was not the case when she found the intimate things about Ben. But this was a misconception which when discussed with Ben prove to be false. This disappointed when a lot because he was considering to believe even if tough Times. But that was not the case here. Afterwards, they disintegrate to 2 from one soul. No one was to believe from their family members that they have been Departed from each other now the Harshal and Ben were not together. But later on, a few years later Herschel tries to convince Ben that she made a mistake and she was sorry for that. Knows that Harshal is the only family he has till now and she wants her to survive and takes the green family Legacy ahead. They need to work together to make The Legacy sustain over the years.  After getting back when told her Hershel to start a new pickle business together with each other and this time that the business will hit the new Grounds and will reach the Cloud 9 because they are together and they can make the business grow as fast by leaps and bounds .. Desi in is one of the major scenes of the film this scene shows the great things about the family. Ben did not care about the disagreement of her shell can forgive her for her mistake. They fight a lot but this time they are together and no one will able to divide them. Their great understanding of each other. Now when is thinking to make her cell back to America? Ben has also agreed on a plan for her. The pickle making skills of Herschell blind blowing and astounding and when Ben software developing skills by making a great app. They both hit the market with the internet and get a great family business back to the track. This time they would not stop because they both are together with the great pickle making skills of Herschell and a computer buff like Ben no one is there to complete their business and quiet the market. This time they don’t want anyone else to interfere with their business because their two are enough for the success of their business. As every story doesn’t have a great ending or a Happy Ending This story has in the last scene of the film we find both of them in the graveyard which means that Herschell is back to America. They need to apologize to a lot of peoples but they are fine with that. We always found it difficult to make changes in our life because we are addicted to our daily routine but both of them make a great change in their life by taking a gracious decision. In the last season, we also found them to God for their happy life. They are now more than comfortable from before. They are now happy with the blessing of their great grandfather who has passed away. No one can now disintegrate them. That’s all for the film we have we have observed a great happy ending film. For more updates, you can always to our site. Tell us what you think about the sequence of this film. Will there be any? If yes what would be the storyline and how both will continue side by side with their great successful mission. Your comments are really valuable for us and we try to reply back to each and every comment we get. We are open to constructive criticism also. For more great and happy endings you can always see our other post.

An American Pickle  What Happened At The End - 2An American Pickle  What Happened At The End - 81An American Pickle  What Happened At The End - 27