But you might be asking what new things are in this? Well, first is a new operator named Ghost, which is a pretty good addition to the game. Next are the two new weapons that have been added to the game in this update. The first one is a lightweight and mobile assault rifle the Grau 5.56 (Tier 15), which excels at the range and a powerful SMG, the Striker 45 (Tier 31), that has potential at longer ranges compared to its class with a moderate rate of fire. Next is the playlist update, which consists of the following things:
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Update 1.14
• CDL Playlist (Hardpoint, Domination, Search and Destroy) • Realism Ground War (previously Realism Mosh Pit) • Adding Boneyard into Ground War rotation • “I have Rust Issues” – 6v6 Mosh Pit Gunfight Snipers 3v3 • Rust: available in 2v2 and 6v6 playlists • Atlas Superstore: available in 6v6 and 10v10 playlists • Regiments! (check them out in the Social menu!) • New Trials! • Special Ops Survival: Azhir Cave (Sony Exclusive!) • Akimbo Weapon Perk! (available in Gunsmith)
- A note from the team: Bazaar and Gunfight Tournaments will go live later in the season!
General Fixes
As mentioned earlier that a lot of bugs have been fixed with this update like the “Focused” challenge, not tracking properly. Krovnik Farmland has been added back into the rotation, and they have removed the access to the second floor in a handful of centrally located houses. Many exploits across Ground War maps have been fixed; the bug which allows players to kills Care Package owners and teammates capturing Care Packages has also been fixed. Platinum and Damascus camos blinding glare problem has been fixed and Fix for a rare bug that could prevent players from accessing the barracks, weapons, and/or Operators tabs after matches. Furthermore, the devs have disabled the “Copy Loadout” feature. Field Upgrades: • Trophy System: Deploy time has been reduced by about half a second • Fixed a bug that allowed players to get infinite Weapon Drops by canceling Killstreaks. Killstreaks are no longer usable when the Weapon Drop grenade is equipped. • Fixed a bug where objectives were not giving Field Upgrade progress Perks – Rebalancing One of the important changes is of the peaks, and with this, there going to be many players that will have to change their play style. Some of the perks that have been changed are Double Time, Quick Fix, Ghost and etc. Down below, you can see all of the changes: • Perk 1 Slots – Overkill: Switched places with Killchain and will now be in Perk 2 – EOD: Removed hacking ability (added to Spotter perk) – Double Time: Double the recharge rate of Tactical Sprint – Quick Fix: Reduced health regeneration delay – any kill will immediately start regeneration • Perk 2 Slots – Ghost: Remove Snapshot grenade immunity (moved to Battle Hardened) – Restock: Change the equipment recharge rate from 30 to 25 seconds – Killchain: Switched places with Overkill In Perk 1 – Pointman: Increase the score gain for Scorestreaks across all modes • Perk 3 Slots – Tune-Up: Increase Field Upgrade cost reduction – Spotter: Added hacking ability (from EOD); we’re currently working on the ability to hack through walls. – Battle Hardened: Added Snapshot grenade immunity (moved from Ghost) – Added Gas grenade resistance: Cough is no longer played when a player enters gas. Reduced slowdown and blur when under gas effect. • Weapons: In the weapon section, the Crossbow is getting some bug fixes. Also, SA87 and Increased RAM-7 have been buffed. – Crossbow: – Fix for some kills not tracking properly when attempting to unlock the Crossbow – Fixed explosive Fury crossbow bolts to not kill Juggernauts in one hit – Very slight tuning to the reload speed. We’re still fine-tuning this one, so more adjusting is in the works! – Fixed a bug where the Crossbow did not do any melee damage to Deployable Cover • SA87: Smoothed out recoil, increased damage • Increased RAM-7 extended mags ammo count from 45 to 50 • Special Operations: – Operation Harbinger: Fixed an issue with a checkpoint that could cause players to spawn under the map • Keyboard and Mouse – Added Change to Loadout keybinds for Custom Loadouts 6 to 10, allowing players to quickly switch to any of their favorite Loadouts with the press of a button. – Fixed a visual issue where highlighting the usernames of multiple people in a lobby with the mouse cursor could lead to multiple Emblem/Player Card/Level UI elements appearing and overlapping each other. • Call of Duty League: – Removed Specialist restrictions • COD Caster – For Keyboard & Mouse Codcasters, it is now possible to bring up player Field Upgrades by pressing a key in the same way as they can with Killstreaks. This also shows the exact progress until each player unlocks their respective Field Upgrade. – Player health levels are displayed in the background of their portraits – Player numbers are now displayed in the minimap and are larger when viewed on the full map • PC – When using the Tracker perk, footprints are now visible even when the Bullet Impacts & Sprays option is disabled in the Graphics tab – Several fixes to prevent crashes and improve stability. All these are the things that have arrived to Call of Duty Season 2, but there is still more coming. With the Battle Royal mode been teased, the players can’t wait for the mode and see how it will be like. There have been leaks on it, and it was suggested it would be a 200+ player Battle Royal mode. The release date or any other details on it is still unknown, but we might be getting some info about it really soon.