Destiny 2: Patch Notes For Update 2.6.1


The reduced amount returned possible per kill from 15% to 13% (before diminishing returns) Reduced the low end of the diminishing returns from 5% to 3.25% Changed the kills for the diminishing returns by splitting them out between players and combatants Was previously 15 kills; is now 14 combatant kills or seven opposing Guardian kills (opposing Guardians count 2x toward diminishing returns) Tuned the amount of Super energy returned per kill cost of Light attack in Super increased by 50% from 2% to 3% Regeneration on kill no longer procs on Super kills

Dawnblade—Attunement of Flame (Bottom Path)

Everlasting Flames:

Increased the low end of the diminishing returns from 0.75% to 0.95% Changed the kills for the diminishing returns by splitting them out between players and combatants Previously it was 30 kills. Now it is 21 combatant kills or seven opposing Guardian kills (opposing Guardians count 3x toward diminishing returns) Tuned the amount of Super energy returned per kill (handled differently than Striker as this attack is an AoE)

Sentinel—Code of the Protector (Top Path)

Ward of Dawn:

Armor of Light timer now correlates with the life of the Ward of Dawn Particle FX move more rapidly toward the end of the Ward of Dawn’s life

Nightstalker—Way of the Wraith (Middle Path)

Shattering Strike:

Shattering Strike lasts the proper 9 seconds once again Fixed a bug in which Shattering Strike activation window was reduced to 3 seconds along with Truesight

Shoulder Charge

We’ve removed a bug that allowed players to shoot immediately before activating shoulder charge, which allowed players to apply the 1–2 Punch damage buff to shoulder charge.


ExoticsJötunn Fixed an issue that caused this weapon to impact multiple times at close ranges Divinity Increased the Weaken effect from 25% to 30% NOTE: The Weaken effect from Judgment is not intended to stack with other Weaken effects. This issue will be fixed at a later date. The “cage” will still appear and act as a weak precision point in these cases, but the multipliers themselves will not stack. Fixed an issue where Destiny 2 would crash if this weapon were combined with target-marking effects such as Vengeance (One-Eyed Mask) Deathbringer Fixed the reload timing on this weapon, NOTE: This also affects other Rocket Launchers that share the same reload animation Legendary Adhortative Fixed an issue that would cause the leaves on this weapon to distort visuallyProphet of Doom Fixed an issue with the placement of shells during the reload animation Hush Fixed a bug that prevented Archer’s Gambit from activating if the player manually un-draws their Bow and starts sprinting at the same time Armor Sealed Ahamkara’s Grasps now have a short cooldown period between perk activations Stats and Perks Armor 2.0 mods that trigger on orb collection or using your class ability now no longer stack with their pre-Armor 2.0 versions Pre-Armor 2.0 Exotics now have correct stat packages Armor 1.0 Traction perk applies +5 Mobility, in line with Armor 2.0 Traction mod


Blocking communication with players in Steam will now block/mute players in Destiny 2 Added functionality for /add friend and /remove friend commands Add friend [ PlayerName ] Remove friend [ PlayerName ] Note: Players must be in one of your rosters (fireteam, friends, or clan) in order to add/remove them as a friend. Added functionality for /invite command/invite [ PlayerName ] Note: Players must be in one of your rosters (fireteam, friends, or clan) in order to invite them by player name invite [ SteamID ] Note: You can invite players by SteamID, regardless of whether they’re in your roster or not. Players can now /invite and /join another player regardless of their Online Steam status (online, invisible, or offline) help description updated to reflect new changes to commands Destiny 2 Update 2 6 1 Patch Notes Are Here - 71