After the success of Detective Conan: The First Of The Blue Sapphire, the Case Closed sequence broke its streak of releasing at least one movie a year since 1997. The year-long delay might have been disappointing, but it seems like the creators of Detective Conan compensated it well by giving the movie a global release. The trailer itself has left many easter eggs for the viewers to crack. The anime film is directed by Chika Nagaoka and produced by TMS/V1 Studio.

Detective Conan: Scarlet Bullet Trailer

From the trailer, we know that the World Sports Games or the WSG is going to be held in Tokyo. This is an auspicious event since it is held once every four years. At this event, the world’s first Vaccum superconducting linear train will also move from Nagoya to Tokyo. When the sponsors of the event are kidnapped, the FBI team under the supervision of Shuichi Akai is left to investigate the case. However, Conan finds suspicious linkage between the present case and a fifteen-year-old case concerning a kidnapping in Boston. What’s more shocking is that the case from fifteen years ago was also under the supervision of the FBI. Seeing the trailer, it is easy to deduce that the Akai family will play an important role in the movie. Perhaps there will be some major revelation of this family? There has also been a focus on the mother-daughter relationship. A cut scene portraying Masumi and Mary is a major teaser. Also, we see Akai Shuichi with a sniper gun, which means that the 24th installment of the Case Closed film series will be a treat filled with some action. The name of the new film in itself gives away a major easter egg. Conan has been given the nickname Silver Bullet. Could Scarlet bullet be the new nickname of another major character?

Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet Release Date

After the delay, Detective Conan is now scheduled to be released on April 16, 2021. You can stream it on Netflix, Crunchyroll, or Funimation. On February 9, 2021, the official website of Detective Conan announced that the 24th movie will get a global release. For the first time in the history of this anime, the movie will not only be released in Japan but also in 22 other countries on the same day! This is indeed a piece of huge news for the fanbase of Detective Conan. The movie will be released in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand, Vietnam, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and France, Philippines, Korea.

Detective Conan: Scarlet Bullet – Fan Reaction

Fans were disappointed after the announcement of the movie’s postponement in 2020. Detective Conan is very popular among anime fans who like the mystery genre. It is the kind of anime that keeps our senses high and alert. After the announcement of the release date, fans are indeed happy to finally have their beloved anime released. We are probably going to see Conan and Shuichi team up in this part. This could be an interesting turn of events. Shuichi is one of those rare people who does not treat Conan as a kid. He acknowledges his abilities and has faith in them. This duo could give us the ultimate thrill of a mystery anime together.

 Cast and Characters

The cast and characters are the same as in the previous movies. As usual, the new movie too has a large cast. The official cast was announced on their website after the announcement of the movie in 2020. Once again, we will hear Minami Takayama voicing Conan Edogawa and Kappei Yamaguchi as Shinichi Kudō, who is the older version of Conan. Since the movie will revolve a lot around the Akai family, we can assume that we will be seeing a lot of them. From the trailer, it can be deduced that there will be a major arc concerning Masumi Sera and Mary Sera who are voiced by Noriko Hidaka and Atsuko Tanaka respectively. Another epic turn of events in the movie would be the partnership of Conan and Shuichi Akai, voiced by Shuichi Ikeda. Also, we will see more of Ran Mori, Shinichi’s love interest who is voiced by Wakana Yamazaki.

Detective Conan  The Scarlet Bullet  Release Date  Plot  Cast   Preview - 48Detective Conan  The Scarlet Bullet  Release Date  Plot  Cast   Preview - 94