Netflix’s Ferry was released on 14 May 2021 on the OTT platform. An action-packed adventure with its own twists. Although it was a regular watch but an absolutely entertaining one to look out for. Enough for Undercover fans to rely on something. But the movie also lays the groundwork for some questions to answer. These are straight away answered, but what are the motives behind them. So here we are, taking a look at Ferry’s ending. Thus, answering a few questions such as if Ferry reconciles with Danielle, his association with Brink, and what it would mean for Undercover.

Plot Summary

The prequel to Undercover, Ferry as a movie tells the origin story of Ferry Bouman, only in the initial parts of the film. Then moves on to a future conflict that arrives in the film. It follows the titular character’s journey from a childhood incident to the man he is today working in Brink’s gang. He will do anything for Brink he says. The film goes fine until three armed men come attacking the gang. They rob them and eventually shoot Brink’s son down in the coma. This leads Ferry and his gang mates to find and hunt down the robbers and take revenge for Brink. The hunt leads Ferry back to his sister’s home Claudia who is suffering from cancer. Claudia’s husband manages to identify one of the robbers. Then Ferry leaves to look for him and eventually finds himself stumbling upon a woman named Danielle. He gets familiar with her eventually falling for her in the process. While all this is going on, the other side of things sees Rico managing Brink’s affairs. Also, Brink’s son fighting with death. Ferry manages to grab his hands-on man pushing him off the cliff. Plus, he also finds about the second man as Davy. Meeting Davy leads Ferry to know the robbery was all Brink’s son’s plan. Also, the third man is none other than Danielle’s brother the woman he is in love with. He kills Dave and now coming into the circle. He is left to choose if he wants to protect his love Danielle or stay loyal to Brink.

Ferry Ending Explained

Fery’s Ending moments see Davy’s revelations lead Ferry to Danielle and her brother Lars van Marken whom he eventually crosses paths with. He follows him to the woods and after a struggle, Ferry gets the upper hand to bring him to the knees. After taking a shot, he returns to Danielle to end things. But later, we are told he didn’t kill Lars but instead shot on the ground. Probably because he was so in love with Danielle and didn’t want to finish it as it would be useless knowing it was all Brink’s son’s plan. Finishing things off with Danielle leads Ferry to quite a depression. Drinking and taking drugs all the time and out and also keeping a secret from his boss. Brink tries to cope up with him and cheer him along with the other gang members. Eventually, Ferry goes back to meet Danielle but till then, Rico finds out about Danielle and her relations with Lars and he tells it to Brink. Now both Danielle along Ferry who lied is in danger. Ferry decides to meet Brink and confess what went down. He admits to not killing Lars and tells Brink about his son’s plan. Brink doesn’t believe that his son planted this big plan to rob him and instead blames it on Ferry for involving himself with enemies sister. He states he will kill him along with Danielle and signals the thugs to attack. But, Ferry manages to grab an upper hand taking the thugs down. Soon he also grabs hands-on Brink injuring him and finishing him off once and for all when he curses him. The ending of Ferry sees him reuniting with Danielle to connect with the show and Undercover’s beginnings. Also Read: Those Who Wished Me Dead Ending Explained

Ferry Ending Explained  The Humble Beginning To Undercover s Kingpin - 80Ferry Ending Explained  The Humble Beginning To Undercover s Kingpin - 6