Here are 5 such amazing games that did the best this year in helping us pass the time and at the same time helped us not to lose connection with friends and family.

Among Us

This one is easy on the top of the list of games that we played day in and day out. Many people or gamers don’t know that Among Us isn’t a new game, it came out back in 2018. Yes, this game wasn’t a new 2020 release. It didn’t take the world by storm when it was released. Back when it was released, this game had only around 1000 people playing worldwide; well, right now, the numbers are in the millions. So how did it become so popular so quickly? Well, what happened was people were running out of games to play during the lockdown; this situation affected Twitch Streamers mostly; somehow, a bunch of them stumbled upon this gem and started streaming it to the world. Not long after every person fell in love with the game concept, Among Us is a sort of space version of the childhood game Mafia. A group of astronauts is trying to survive by doing tasks on their airship, but one or more of them are impostors, who win by killing crewmates. The impostor has to talk their way out of every situation; meetings can be called, deductions can be made, the innocent crewmates have to do the most thinking, and accidentally voting out a crewmate would lose the game. This concept brought many people together; sometimes, this game was regarded as the killer of friendships. Players and friends went into a full-on rage when they are falsely framed, and players being friends with each other, the yelling and screaming were on the next level. Among Us is getting constant patches and updates, with the newest and biggest update coming soon, which contains a new map. The game performed won the best multiplayer game of the year at the Game Awards. Get Among Us on Steam

Call Of Duty Warzone

Now, this, unlike Among Us, did take the world by storm upon release. When Warzone came out, it was everywhere; the moment you went online, you’d find something or the other about Warzone. Download Warzone for PC here on their official website. Warzone is a massive battle royale, free to play the game by Activision. Most of the Battle Royale games are available, most of them free, and every one unique in their own way. So what gives Warzone a greater edge over every single one of them. Well, with Warzone, the main winning point would be that it’s a COD game; that itself is a huge plus point. COD has always been the biggest name for first-person shooter games, the gameplay, the graphics, the story; there isn’t anyone else that does a better job in all of these elements and is literally the biggest name when it comes to this. With the best COD elements inbuilt into a battle royale game, it’s already perfect. The second would be the amazing graphics upgrade. Currently, Activision is the biggest studio that has come out with a full-on Battle Royale game, so you could expect how much resources and power they can and did put into it. So graphics, the audio detail, the weapons, the map, everything is done so beautifully. Teamwork being the crux of the whole game has brought about a lot of new friendships and at the same time tightened already existing ones. The map Verdansk is on a level of its own; the whole thing is incredibly detailed with mountain tops, snowy landscapes, skyscrapers, villages, hundreds of houses a huge football stadium; every single one of these makes for some intense gunfights, tactical standoffs, run and gun gameplay, so literally, the whole match is up to you. Warzone broke numerous records when it comes to streams, views, players, and many other things. Twitch streamers just fell in love with the game, and the viewing platform was filled with the game. Hundreds of tournaments were set up with massive prize pools; considering everything, Warzone is the biggest game during 2020.


  Player Unknowns Battlegrounds has been the biggest and best when it comes to Battle Royale games. It’s also one of the only games that haven’t lost its hype in so long if we think about it. PUBG is what gave life to BR games; after this one was released, did only the whole world start churning out BR games like every other week or so. This game has been a movement worldwide for a long time, not just on PC but also on consoles and even mobile. The game has single-handedly broken records for most online players, most monthly players, most downloads, and many more. So what’s so special about this game? Why did it become so good? PUBG didn’t have the reason for being released in lockdown, and people started playing it because there wasn’t anything else; PUBG was famous years before the 2020 crisis started. The gameplay includes highly detailed survivalist gunfights in a huge map filled to the brim with places to hide, have sniper fights, major gun battles, car chases, and many more. The best part of this game is how it brings friends together; people just love the teamwork involved in completing the game. A classic game would take around 20 minutes, including high teamwork, callouts, reviving, third partying; yes, it’s the perfect game for you and your squad.

Fall Guys

  Want to run around an obstacle course with a ton of friends while wearing a chicken costume? Fall Guys is the best game for you. This game never fails to make you laugh uncontrollably and, at the same time, just scream at your computer screen in sheer rage. So this game involves almost 60 players trying to compete to be the very best (not a Pokemon reference). All 60 of the players are pushed into random mini-games that test the limits of their anger management. We have the option to jump, dive, and the most annoying feature of all, grabbing other players. The anger that builds up when some other player keeps grabbing you and throwing you off the obstacle course is something else; many controllers have died during this game. These mini-games could be anything; there is a huge roster of them. Soe could include teamwork gameplay where, for example, certain teams would battle to grab the most number of balls and bring them into their court or jump through the most number of hoops. Then there are other single-player courses where for example, you’d race against every player through a rage-filled obstacle course. A whole game would include several mini-games where several players get knocked out as each game comes to a close. The final challenge is always climbing up a fall mountain and grabbing the crown; the first one to do so is the champion. This game doesn’t involve that much teamwork, it is more of the everyman for himself type of game, but in the end, if anyone from your squad wins, it’s like everyone wins. There isn’t any help we can do for each other; one team thing players can do is keep on pushing other people and get on their nerves, but keep in mind that they’d be tempted to do the same. We have a lot of things to thank for the entertainment field and how they helped us through 2020. Even with all the harsh conditions surrounding everything, difficulty in working, every company still found a way to keep us entertained by constantly releasing new games and updating already released ones. As the year comes to a close, we’d like to thank every single game that helped us get through 2020! Also Read: 5 Upcoming Highly Anticipated Games That Are A Must Try Also Read:5 Underrated Games You Totally Need To Try  

Games That Got Us Through 2020   Gaming Recommendations - 12Games That Got Us Through 2020   Gaming Recommendations - 90Games That Got Us Through 2020   Gaming Recommendations - 16