Hellsing is a Japanese manga series. Kouta Hirano wrote and illustrated it. Young King Ours is where the series was serialized. It aired from May 1997 to September 2008. The story revolves around the mysterious Hellsing organization that fights the Vampires and ghosts and protects England from these supernatural powers. These individual chapters in Hellsing were later compiled into 10 volumes and put out by Shonen Gahosha. This series was also released in the English language. Later, from 2001 to 2009, a prequel for this was put out by Hirano. The prequel was called Hellsing the Dawn. After that, the manga was also converted into a 13 episodic television anime adaptation series. Gonzo was the one who came up with this idea and executed it. The director of this series is Umanosuke Iida and Yasunori Urata. Chiaki J. Konaka wrote the series’ screenplay.

Hellsing is named after the Royal Order of Protestant Knights, which was led by Abraham Van Helsing. Hellsing’s mission is to search and then destroy the supernatural forces and evils that are a threat to the country and the queen. The Hellsing organization is contemporarily led by Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. She inherited the leadership of this organization at a very young age after the demise of his father.  She was a witness to her father’s death. Read: Preview: HBO Max’s Adaptation: Mortal Kombat Movie This horrible encounter had turned her from a shy little girl to a fierce and fatal power. The loyal Hellsing family butler Walter C. Dornez is always there to protect her. Her other guardian is the vampire Alucard who has sworn his loyalty to the Hellsing family after he was defeated by Van Helsing a century ago the event. Later a police officer named Seras Victoria also joins their team when she was turned into a vampire by Alucard. When the scale of incidents that involves the undead starts shooting up in England. At that time, Sir Integra finds out that some people from the Nazi group who are known as Millennium, are still there on earth. And they are trying to re-establish Nazi Germany. For this, they would be creating battalions of vampires. So Millenniums, Hellsing, and the Vatican section XIII Iscariot face each other in a three-sided war. This war takes place in London. Later, Millenium comes clean with his true objective. That is to destroy Alucard. And this also ends a dispute that arose during world war II.

Hellsing Movie coming on Prime Video

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