If you look below you’ll see two pictures that show an example of what we’re talking about. Pokemon don’t seem to stack on the tracker while trainers would rather prefer the Poke Stop to list each and every Pokemon nearby that Poke Stop. I got this idea for this article from a redditor named Casual_Bitch_Face. The reason why the tracker is this way is due to Niantic wanting you to be able to track down a specific Pokemon while not effecting random spawns. This is a key issue that players have been blindsided with because trainers like to have everything done very simple.
That’s alright and these changes do make sense, more for those rural players. Those of us with clusters of Poke Stops will end up with Clustered spawns at Poke Stops which isn’t bad at all. I think Niantic should work a bit more on this tracker, possibly add 3 spawns for each nearby sighting that way rural players will have more confidence going to the Poke Stop. It seems less rewarding but hey, that’s an adventure. Not every place in this world is bombarded with historical features everywhere. So you’re just going to have to accept that until open sponsors are back open for more companies to bring stops near you. Remember the game is meant for adventure and fun, not for easy play. That’s all for now, have a wonderful day!