The 100 season 7 trailer has a warning, which is about isolation madness” for Clarke and the rest of the people. It feels relatable as the whole world too is in isolation, although the scenarios are totally different! “We are the last of the human race” hits hard, and manages to give us goosebumps. As mentioned by producer Jason Rothenberg, The Anomaly was shown in the trailer, as it is the main focus in the last season! Everyone was expecting the same as well due to the adult Hope arc that allows us to rethink everything. “The Anomaly is a wormhole” is the sentence which makes us think where is this going now. Check out the trailer below if you still have not watched it yet! The extended trailer says a lot of things we were waiting to watch, and now it looks like we will be seeing what we always wanted! It will lead to a conclusion of this epic story, and I know, nobody can wait to see it! The 100 season 7 will aur on the CW channel in the US at 8 PM ET on 20 May 2020, and will continue to aur new episodes every Wednesday!